Henna for eyebrows, traditional, graphite 1.1


New product

Delia Cosmetics

Traditional henna powder designed for eyebrow coloring. Extremely easy and innovative application! The package contains two sachets. Simply mix their contents until a homogeneous, creamy consistency is obtained, and then apply to the eyebrows. The package is sufficient for a single treatment.


Henna for eyebrows, traditional, graphite 1.1

Traditional (powder + 3% activator)

Weight/Capacity: 2g colorant + 2ml activator

Traditional henna powder for coloring eyebrows. Extremely easy and innovative application! The package contains two sachets. Simply mix their contents until a homogeneous, creamy consistency is achieved, and then apply to the eyebrows.

The package is sufficient for a single treatment.

Directions for use:

Before treatment, perform a sensitization test, according to the enclosed description.

Protect the skin around the eyebrows with an oily cream. Mix the contents of both sachets to a homogeneous consistency. Apply to the eyebrows, for example, with a cosmetic stick. Use immediately after making the mixture. Do not leave for the next time.

Tinting time is from 5-10 minutes, depending on the expected degree of darkening of the eyebrows. Wash off eyebrows with soap and water.

Sensitization test:

Mix a small amount of henna with a small amount of 3% emulsion, in a ratio of 1:1, and apply to a small area of skin on the elbow or behind the ear. Wash off after 15 minutes. If there are no changes on the skin after 24 hours, you can proceed with eyebrow tinting.


Hair dyes can cause severe allergic reactions. For professional use only.

Caution Strong-acting agent. Conduct test allergy testing 48 hours before each use of the product. Please read and follow the instructions.

The product is not intended for persons under 16 years of age. Temporary tattoos based on black henna may increase the risk of allergies.

Do not color hair if: there is a rash on your face or your scalp is sensitive, irritated and damaged, you have ever had a reaction to hair coloring, you have had a reaction to a temporary black henna-based tattoo in the past.

Contains: phenylenediamines (toluenediamines) and hydrogen peroxide.

Use protective gloves. Avoid contact with eyes. If the product gets into the eyes, immediately flush them with water. Do not store the mixture. Use immediately after preparation. Protect from children. Mixing ratio 1:1.
