Fix Tea for the Liver, 20 sachets x 2 g


New product

Herbapol Kraków

The tea is a carefully selected composition of herbs, which are recommended for people struggling with the problems of proper liver functioning.


Fix Tea for the Liver, 20 sachets x 2 g

dietary supplement

Package contents:

20 sachets of 2g each

Ingredients: Couch grass rhizome - 23%, bird's cress herb - 22%, nettle leaf - 20%, violet herb - 20%, artichoke herb - 5%, linden inflorescence - 5%, turmeric rhizome - 5%. The content of individual plant components per recommended daily dose is respectively: couch grass rhizome - 1.38 g, bird's-foot trefoil herb - 1.32 g, nettle leaf - 1.2 g, violet herb - 1.2 g, artichoke herb - 0.3 g, lime blossom - 0.3 g, turmeric rhizome - 0.3 g.


The tea is a carefully selected composition of herbs that are recommended for people struggling with problems of proper liver functioning. Artichoke, lime and curcuma contribute to the secretion of digestive juices and bile, support the digestion of fatty meals and the proper functioning of liver and digestive system. Artichoke contributes to maintaining normal levels of cholesterol and lipids in blood and supports their metabolism. It is helpful in keeping the liver healthy. Periwinkle, knotweed, nettle and violet contribute to blood purification by supporting urinary function and urinary excretion.

Directions for use:

brew 1 sachet of tea with boiling water under a lid for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to prepare the infusion 3 times a day. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Store in a dry place, out of reach of small children.

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