Bitter tincture (Amara Tinctura) - oral liquid, 35 ml capacity


New product

Herbapol Kraków

The product is traditionally used auxiliary in anorexia, indigestion.


Bitter Tincture (Amara Tinctura) - oral liquid, 35 ml capacity

Amara Tinctura - Bitter Tincture - oral liquid.


Composition per 100g of product

Extractum compositum (1:5) ex Gientatanae radice, Menyanthidis folio, Aurantii amari pericarpio (60.0 parts, 60.0 parts, 50.0 parts) ethanol (70% v/v) extractant - 100 g. Ethanol content 63-70% (v/v).


Traditionally, the following dosage schedule is used:

Adults once in case of anorexia about 0.6ml (10-12 drops) of the tincture. Use 3 times a day, up to a maximum of 6 times.


The product is traditionally used auxiliary in lack of appetite, indigestion.


Do not use in inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, peptic ulcer disease, hyperacidity. Due to the alcohol content, the product is not recommended for use in children, patients with alcoholism, epilepsy or liver disease.

Side effects

In rare cases, headaches and hypersensitivity to light are possible.

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